Christopher Kovacs - Fine Art
September 20, 2024   8:20 pm NL Time

Towering View

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Towering View


Status of Original Painting – For Sale

All prices are in Canadian dollars

Size: 15 x 20  inches

Price: Inquire

Medium: Watercolour on 300 lb Arches


On a recent trip to Vancouver to see The Rolling Stones in concert, we spent an afternoon in Stanley Park, which has been described as an oasis of green in the midst of the city. It’s a triangular shaped peninsula, some 400 hectares in size, that features rain forest, wild life, mountain and sea views, walking and biking trails, beaches, lawn bowling and tennis courts, and so forth. The forest shuts out the sounds of the city, making it quite peaceful. We had a lovely lunch and spent several hours just wandering about and relaxing.

Lisa pointed her camera straight up at a tall beech tree, which prompted me to question what she was doing. That’s when I saw a view that I hadn’t appreciated before, because I’m so used to looking at trees straight on. This fresh perspective was spectacular and I knew I had to paint it. There are so many different colors in the canopy of leaves, especially where the bright sunlight pokes through.

It is just one tree but viewed from above where the main trunk has already split into four or more smaller trunks.

I almost called this “Lisa’s View” but wanted something that conveyed the towering height.

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