Christopher Kovacs - Fine Art
February 7, 2025   5:11 am NL Time


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Status of Original Painting – For Sale

All prices are in Canadian dollars

Size: 13.25 x 20  inches

Price: Inquire

Medium: Watercolour on 300 lb Arches


This quiet and colorful scene is from the harbor in Bay Bulls, Newfoundland and Labrador. I’ve done many paintings before from around that location.

I took the reference photo quickly, almost offhand, while starting out on a whale and puffin watching tour from O’Brien’s Boat Tours. Something about it kept bringing the scene to mind, and so I knew I had to paint it eventually. The variety of colors throughout the wharf is one thing – it’s much more colorful on closer inspection of the full-size painting – while the contrasts of surfaces and textures are another aspect. Old wood, smooth but scratched hull of the boat, waves, oily ribbon of colors spooling on the water, barnacles, rocks… I also like how the boat is edging into the scene, almost lurking.

The unexpected big challenge was to come up with a suitable title. Normally I have a working title that comes to mind while I am working on a painting, but in this case…nothing. Afterwards, I went through many choices, including “Idle Speed Only” (barely legible on the sign), and then finally settled on “Sea-Weathered.” My thanks to Lisa Samways and Emma Walters who helped in the final decision making process.

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