Christopher Kovacs - Fine Art
January 22, 2025   5:46 pm NL Time

No Reception

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No Reception


Status of Original Painting – For Sale

All prices are in Canadian dollars

Size: 13.25 x 20  inches

Price: Inquire

Medium: Watercolour on 300 lb Arches


This desolate and partly destroyed house is in Dildo, Newfoundland, the community with the naughty sounding name and Jimmy Kimmel as its honorary mayor.

One of the things that caught my eye was the pristine satellite TV dish from @ShawDirect that is attached to the front of this abandoned home. Contrast that with the roof torn off on the side closest to us, the gaping open framework and desperate patchwork beams, a triangular cluster of a shingles in the upper right corner, and siding that’s sorely in need of a paint job. The grass has grown tall all around, along with colorful lupins and other wild flowers.

After I finished this, I discovered a photo on flickr that shows the house two years earlier, and it surprisingly lacks the satellite dish in front (see here). Was the dish added later as a joke? Or is someone living inside and getting good reception? But with the apparent lack of electrical power or a roof to shield from the elements, I think not.

I’ve painted scenes from Dildo twice before, in “Docked at Dildo” and “Dildo Cove.” There will likely be more to come.

I took the reference photo in July 2021. My thanks to Lisa Samways who spotted the house as we were driving in to Dildo for lunch. We stopped on the way back to photograph this scene. Lisa also named the painting.

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