Christopher Kovacs - Fine Art
February 7, 2025   3:52 am NL Time

Hibbs Cove

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Hibbs Cove


Status of Original Painting – For Sale

All prices are in Canadian dollars

Size: 13.25 x 20  inches

Price: Inquire

Medium: Watercolour on 300 lb Arches


This is a view of the village of Hibbs Cove, on the Port de Grave Peninsula in Newfoundland. From as early as 1692 it was known as Hibbs Hole, with “hole” an old term for a steep-sided cove that is too tight for a ship to turn around in. It’s likely that someone named Hibbs first settled there. The traditional industry was fishing for cod, halibut, turbot, herring and crab. The name was officially changed in 1968 to the more appealing Hibbs Cove. The 1996 census information showed a population of 139; since then, it appears that the village’s numbers are absorbed into the other communities on the Peninsula.

This scene caught my eye several weeks ago while driving by, and so I stopped to take some photos. It features so many things that make it interesting for me to paint – varied colors, contrasts of manmade structures declining against nature’s strength and resilience, water, rocks with lichen, peeling paint, old wood, tall grass, boats with curved surfaces, and other contrasting textures and surfaces. The decrepit building is so interesting with the house wrap shredded to feather-like remnants flapping in the breeze, and its weathered naked boards, contrasted against a seemingly intact roof.

There’s a charming little lighthouse nearby, and I plan to paint that scene next.



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