Autumn Fog
Status of Original Painting – Sold
All prices are in Canadian dollars
Size: 13.25 x 20 inches
Price: $1,200
Medium: Watercolour on 300 lb Arches
This captivating and foggy scene captured the eyes while driving past Island Pond in Cape Broyle, Newfoundland (population ~490). It’s located about an hour south of St. John’s, and is a popular destination for sea kayaking. The name Cape Broyle is thought to have derived from the Portuguese word brolle, which means “to roar.” The town overlooks a large bay of the Atlantic ocean, where a ledge of sunken rock causes white water to form and roar at the bay’s entrance.
I love the fall colours, the bank of fog obscuring trees in the background, and how the water has become largely white. There’s something moody about a foggy scene, but also so typical about the east coast of Newfoundland.